Tag: business strategy

Have you ever baked a cake? You mix together flour, sugar, oil, and eggs, pour the batter into your cake pans, and wait for them to bake into moist, fluffy goodness. Letting the layers of your cake cool is near agony when you just want to take a big bite of your layer cake. While...

If you don’t understand what your customers want and how they want it, it will be challenging for your business to achieve its goals. And the best way to get the insights you need to successfully connect and form relationships with your customers is to understand their motivations, fears, pain points, desires, and struggles. When...

When we talk to clients about website development and creation, we understand it can feel daunting, confusing, and downright hard to wrap your head around. If you’ve never been behind the scenes of website development, you may have a hard time understanding how everything comes together to form the end product—your shiny new website. We...

Your website is the gateway to a relationship with your company. It’s the hub, the nucleus, and it’s a digital space that can help you grow your business and increase conversions. The purpose of a website is to provide valuable information to its visitors and create a favorable impression of your company. And fortunately, it’s...

For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get a $42 return on investment (ROI), and that’s more than any other form of marketing out there. That’s huge! And having a robust and growing email list gives you direct access to an interested audience. With all that potential, you want to make sure you’re...

A blog is a lucrative piece of content that can build rapport with your audience, generate new leads, and grow your business. But you have to know how to write a good blog for these results to be possible. And a good blog isn’t just a well-written one; successful blogs incorporate strategic planning, effective writing,...

Let’s throw it way back to one of the originals, President Abraham Lincoln. He once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” The guy was on to something: you may spend a lot of time sharpening your metaphorical ax, but when you...

When a client comes to us with a marketing request, our first priority is to identify: Why? Maybe sales are down. Why? They'd like a rebrand. Why? They want a new website. Why? We're like a relentless toddler learning about a seemingly inane object for the first time -- but a really professional toddler with...

Looking for a reference list to find grants for your nonprofit that supports women and/or children? We got you! But before you check out our extensive reference list below let’s take a moment to talk about grants. (Note that Brainchild Studios does not provide grant consulting or assistance services.) Grants can be a great way for...

Well, there's nothing like a global pandemic to expose the inefficiencies within your business. So now's the time to trim the fat, without jeopardizing your future – swapping out that crispy bacon in your Sunday-brunch bloody for a leaner, turkey version. Streamlining your business doesn't mean cutting out every calorie though. It's simply being intentional...