Tag: digital marketing

Blogging for Business: 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog Website? Check. Social Media Accounts? Check. Blog? Ummm… If you have a business website then odds are you already have a blog that was added during the initial website build, but do you even use your blog? If you think blogs are a thing...

Social Media, Meet Business. Business, Meet Social Media. Social media marketing is a game and like any game, with the right strategy, you can master it. So how do you make posting social media for business work for your company? The answer is always quality over quantity. Social media platforms each offer their own marketing...

My oh my, how time flies! It feels like only yesterday Brainchild Studios was born, but in reality, it was legally, exactly one year ago today! A lot can happen in a year and this first year was a big one for us, so I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the amount...

7 Tips for Writing Meta Descriptions Oh, meta descriptions. You know, those 155 character lines under your page title in search engines that provide zero boost to your search rankings but can make all the difference in getting a click to your page versus your competitors. Some marketers dismiss the importance of spending the time...