Tag: content marketing

Did you know that every 24 hours, Millennial Moms give birth to 9,000 babies here in the U.S.? That's a pretty staggering statistic when you think about the number of onesies, wipes, and hugs given to these new little ones each day. According to Millennial Moms: 202 Facts Marketers Need to Know by Maria T....

We just don't have the budget is a phrase that works its way into the office lexicon faster than kids on a Halloween candy hunt. It's a phrase that shuts down ideas and closes doors to opportunities that could create the budget to enable you and your organization to do the things that hit the...

There aren't a lot of nice things to say about COVID-19, but one thing that can be said--hear us out here--is that it kinda levels the playing field for many businesses. Differentiators like in-person interactions, ambiance, and location have moved to the online experience. And unlike a spot on the main drag, there's an affordable...

Earlier this year, families across the country were finalizing spring break plans and thankful for a change in their daily routine. Even if our travel plans were within our city limits, we were looking forward to hitting pause, welcoming a slower pace, and taking a break from schoolwork to rest. Fast-forward a few months and...

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has disrupted pretty much everything. As a nonprofit, you’re probably trying to figure out what on earth to do about your biggest annual fundraiser since you’re likely having discussions of whether to cancel, postpone or take it online. Gah. What to do!? Where to start? No worries, outlined below is...

On May 5, 2020, we are joining the ranks of people and organizations worldwide who are reaching out a helping hand on #GivingTuesdayNow. Giving Tuesday Now is a global day of giving and unity as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is a special addition to the regularly scheduled Giving Tuesday, on December 1....

As a retail shop owner, you wear a lot of hats. From customer service to interior decorator to inventory management - you do it all and if we know you love what you do. Transitioning even a portion of your brick-and-mortar business to a digital setting is a big decision and task, but the opportunity...

Well, there she goes, growing up before our very eyes. My baby turns three in September and I can't believe how the time flies. We've accomplished quite a bit as a company in this third year of business so let's take a peek at what we've been up to. How we grew in our third...

Optimizing for Voice Search and Digital Assistants You consider Siri your personal assistant, you order takeout through Google Home and Alexa has become your new BFF. Welcome to the world of digital assistants, aren't they amazing!? But as we begin to navigate this world that makes our lives so much more convenient and hands free,...

2018 Digital Marketing Trends Happy New Year! Another year means new digital marketing trends coming in at lightning speed. Last year, it was all about influencer marketing and the massive expansion of social media. 2018 is the year of video, artificial intelligence and augmented reality. This industry never sleeps and is constantly changing. These are just...

You invested a large portion of your fiscal budget into your marketing campaign, and that’s great. But is your web presence reflecting those marketing efforts? Is your design up to date? Are your social media icons actually on your site and linking to the correct accounts? Does your store offer a great user experience? Have...

Blogging for Business: 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog Website? Check. Social Media Accounts? Check. Blog? Ummm… If you have a business website then odds are you already have a blog that was added during the initial website build, but do you even use your blog? If you think blogs are a thing...